Qualities of a Good Business Manager

Business ManagerCredentials and experience are not the only requirements that make up a good manager a good manager is able to incorporate every team members success in order to achieve a successful organization. It involves the use of emotional intelligence core skills of self-awareness, management, social awareness as well as relationship management.

For effective and efficient management managers should incorporate certain leadership styles.

Work together with the team, not as their superior

Managers usually have control of the workload and are therefore, the ones in charge of both the control and delegation of work. A manager should therefore, learn to delegate and break the trend of wanting to do it all. Manager should monitor the team since he/she is accountable for the team results.  Working with the employees creates a good relationship which helps identify the team members’ strengths and weaknesses. A good manager should lead by example by being actively involved in the work the employees do.

Create a conducive work environment

Set a good example for your office since it creates a positive work environment which is important for the success of the business. This is because the employees are happy therefore increasing their productivity. As good manager frequently recognize the success of your team by expressing gratitude to make the team members feel appreciated. This motivates the team thus creating a positive organizational culture.


A good manager communicates the organizational goals, targets and offer effectively ensuring the continued success of the business. If the goals of the organization are clear throughout the organization employees know what is expected of them. Therefore, they are able to align their goals with those of the organization. Communication also involves listening. A good manager should be a good listener so that they receive employees’ feedbacks and complains.


Just like a good coach, a good manager should advocate for their team to keep the team members motivated as well as passionate about their work. Coaching is important to empower employees and come up with new solutions. Offer employees with the necessary skills and knowledge they require to complete their tasks successfully. This ensures that the employees unlock their full potential thus achieving their goals and those of the organization.

Moreover, managers should work on their leadership skills for effective management. Managers should work on personal growth as well as grow with the team. Act normal with your team and it is okay not to know everything. Most of the small and medium-size businesses will require investment to manage various functions properly, learn more about the process of negotiating for a business loan with highest success rate.